Just KKJ

Just KKJ
She Believed She Could ,So She Did

Thursday, November 10, 2016

I'm Still In Shock- But God

Image result for donald trump president memes

Swing Lowwwww, Sweet Chariottttt, Coming for to carry me hommmme!
That's my theme song right now regarding the new President Elect.. I like most Americans am still awaiting for Ashton Kutcher to jump out of a closet and announce to me " You've been punked".. But according to CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX and Anderson Cooper.. It's not a game.
My personal opinion towards our new president is no secret. I clearly feel as though he's not a qualified candidate and will cost Americans a great deal of upward progression, economically, socially and agriculturally. However, I am not weary nor afraid of the outcome that he may bring on the number of facets forementioned.
Namely because he is merely a man.. I am here for but one purpose when it all comes down to reality. And that is to exalt the Lord. 
As Christians we must always remember that we are In the World but Not of the world. We are called to stand firm in perilous and uncertain times such as the present. Not only for ourselves but more so to exude discipline and strength to unbelievers, so that they may be inspired to find out where that strength comes from. Shall I be upfront with you all and say that briefly my soul became vexed with the thought of America being run by an openly aggressive extremist. That has had no problem expressing his disdain and negative opinions of people of color, women and the handicapped. I was mortified at 2:00am 11/9 when I flicked on my t.v. and saw the headline that Hilary Clinton had conceded the race and called to Congratulate Mr. Trump. Mortified!!! 
But thank God for peace and understanding.. Because as I rose this morning with new mercy. I was also reminded of how gracious, kind and loving my God is to me and all those who believe and live by his word. 
So on today. I am back in the mindset that Jesus is Lord.. And the Ruler of all things..
Colossians 1:17 says "He is before all things, and in him all things hold together."
        So get thee behind me Satan and you doers of iniquity for there shall be a day. Not to far away where your deeds shall be read off to you from a list by the most high. And he shall say to you and all those that have blatantly turned from righteousness. " AWAY FROM ME YOU DOERS OF INIQUITY I KNOW YOU NOT!!! Matthew" 7:23.
The money wont save him, the title won't save him, The entourage wont save him.. It'll be his time to face the music. Alone, Personally and completely.. 
As a glass half full personality person, I do have this hope that maybe his heart can and will be changed for the better and he will actually do as he claims and " Make America Great". Only time will tell..

Until Next Time. Stay Blessed and Beautiful my Loves... # Smooches