Just KKJ

Just KKJ
She Believed She Could ,So She Did

Thursday, November 2, 2017

They don't have to like you... As long as you like you..

Lots of people throughout your life will tell you it's a bad thing to love yourself more than others. That it's being arrogant and self centered to put your well being before your loved ones. And a lot of those times, they will be correct. But, there will undoubtedly come a time in your life when you will need to put you first. Like once the kids are grown and the business is doing well and the marriage is finally happy. That's your time. To make your dreams come true. To learn to rest and to give your all to you. So many Women put there dreams and aspirations on hold to take care of everyone else. And we forget all about ourselves. So, eat the cake and the ice cream. Buy that lipstick and the shoes.
And remember those that are worth your time, won't question your need to love yourself...  They'll encourage it...

Until next time.. Stay Blessed and Beautiful my loves #Smooches....