Just KKJ

Just KKJ
She Believed She Could ,So She Did

Friday, August 5, 2016


TGIF, I hope everyone has had a blessed week.
 Have you ever known a couple that seemed to be made for one another. They communicate with ease and not only are they romantically suited for each other, But, they are actually friends and can have an enjoyable time with one another. Looking at this couple from the outside makes you wonder what there recipe for love is. Especially if you and your boo never seem to be on the same page about anything. Not the type of toilet paper you should buy, Not who gets what side of the bed.. Just Nothing. Well, I think I've found the secret to relationship longevity. And it appears to be rather simple.It's all in the love language. See, each person has an individualized way that they need and require to be loved. Its ingrained in there being. Nothing or anyone can change it. Its how they desire to be loved.I'm a touchy feely sort of girl. I like to hold hands, lay my head on your chest and be close to my significant other. It makes me feel a sense of peace ,joy and fulfillment with my partner. That would make my love language (Physical Touch). Now, my spouses love language may be (Words of Affirmations). Which means what I respond to emotionally will not necessarily be enough for my guy. If I try to please him with what works for me he may end up not being fulfilled. Because he requires being loved in a totally different way. Causing the relationship to be imbalanced. Now, I am not by any means saying that all relationship issues can be solved with acknowledging and implementing this technique. Some folks are simply unequally yoked and should just not be together under any circumstances. (That's a whole other blog). But for couples who are genuinely eager to figure out how to make the best of there love. I think this will surely prove to be a worthwhile technique. I had never heard of Love Languages until about a year ago when a friend of mine started talking about how her guy responded to her after disagreements. It was such an interesting theory that I had to do my research and found that it was actually true indeed. 
For all of you booed up folks, take a look at the chart above for reference. Learn your Love Language and what makes you tick emotionally and then take a moment to figure out which one applies to your significant other. What do you have to lose? Nothing beats a failure but a try guys..

Until Next Time Stay Blessed and Beautiful My Loves... #Smooches 

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