Just KKJ

Just KKJ
She Believed She Could ,So She Did

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Spare The Rod - Create A Monster

Happy Weekend Eve- I've missed you guys.. Let's get to business.
When I became a mom almost sixteen years ago. I prayed to God that my child would not be as hard headed, mean and rebellious as me. And for the most part besides the normal teenage pouting, occasional under the breath whisper and ignoring me from time to time. I pretty much got what I prayed for. He's a really great kid. I've been blessed.  Although, During the early 2000's, the whole new age, holistic parenting was in full swing. Everyone was referring to the Dr. Spock methods of raising children as opposed to the way us 70's and 80's babies were reared.
Children had almost become like science projects with the if you take this out of there diets they won't do that or if you add this to there diets they'll be more like this. (Ugh) The internet and 20 something med students had all of us new moms in a funk. While many of my peers chose to follow the new age child rearing method. I was determined that I was going to go with the old adage of "If it ain't broke don't fix it". My mom had been a single mother of 3. Two girls 12 years apart and a boy in the middle 9 years older than I. Now, don't get me wrong. We were "hell". We did our fair share of goofing off. However, we were always accountable to our mother "and" her heat for the seat. ( Her wooden paddle). It was nothing for my mom to pull out her little friend and bless us with a pop if we got out of line. Me being the youngest, I was spared a lot of those beatings because I had older siblings to rescue me and take the blame. :) Thanks guys. But no matter how out of hand I got I knew that my Mama would check me at the front door and slap me across the mouth if I stepped to far out of line. I can't help but notice in today's society how it seems that children are no longer accountable to there parents. There is no fear of what will happen when I get home if I do this. My mind can't help but go to a story that I saw recently in the News headlines about a teenage girl being beaten and then killed in school by a group of girls over a boy. When I see articles and hear of these sorts of sad misfortunes it brings me back to that old biblical saying " Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child". Our children are completely out of control. And I can not help but feel that this is due in part to us as parents allowing society to tell us how to raise our children. We all know that it is as the bible says The End Days. But what is happening in our society when it comes to our young people is a direct result of our parenting skills and styles. So many parents want to be friends and stay on the good side of there children instead of doing what your job is and that is to lead, direct and grow them up into respectable, law abiding citizens. I could go on with this topic forever. So this is To Be Continued. Tomorrow we will pick back up on this topic. Chime in with your thoughts as to why our children are in this current state.
Until tomorrow Stay Blessed and Beautiful my loves... #Smooches 

Continued...(whew) Hey y'all. TGIF- To continue on the topic from yesterday. This morning in the midst of this post.  I heard on the news of a father who has been charged with boxing with his son because his son apparently skipped school. Now this is sad. Apparently the kids face was beat up really bad and dad was sent to jail. By no means was this discipline.. That was just foolishness. As we discussed yesterday I am an advocate of disciplining your child through a spanking here or there. But to bash your kids face in during a boxing match as your form of chastisement (uh uh.. no) these sorts of extremes are the exact same reasons that spankings are frowned upon from sincere, concerned parents just trying to make there children accountable for there actions. There is a right and a wrong way to do everything. My belief is, you have to find a happy medium. When it is time for discipline be sure that you have given yourself time to think out the punishment as opposed to just laying it down. Being slow to execute gives you time to rationalize and calm your nerves and think clearly. Helping you to better discipline in love and not anger. Parenting unfortunately does not come with a handbook. We have all got to do some major soul searching when it comes to being parents. Its a tough job. And heads occasionally roll in my house. ( Don't call the people on me). I can personally attest. At 15 5'7 and all of 155. My son knows that I don't play. I don't like repeating myself and please don't do what I asked you not to do. My rules of course didn't start at 10,11,12. At 2 and 3 I was very stern with him. Especially when it came to disobedience. I know that we will not all have the same views and opinions about child rearing. That's what makes us individuals and unique. But I feel that our generation has clearly gone wrong in some way based upon the outcome of this next generation. Beating up women, Dippers, and  ya'll know the rest of the mess they do. And its time we become a unit and teach where there is a need to be taught. The African Proverb "It takes a village to raise a child" mentality is what we need to grasp again. Proverbs 13:24" Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them". Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it"

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