Just KKJ

Just KKJ
She Believed She Could ,So She Did

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Do all lives really matter

Image result for harambe meme
Its Thursday, The weekend is almost here and I am ready for some serious R & R.  So, I'm sure you guys have heard this story all over the news this week. 17 year old Silver back lowland Gorilla Harambe at the Cincinnati Zoo was killed after a curious toddler fell from the railings and into the Gorillas habitat enclosure. I've read all of the articles and seen lots and lots of meme's poking fun at the situation. ( Some of which were very clever). So since everyone else in America is talking about it. I decided to weigh in on the topic myself. My thought is it's an all around horrible situation and experience. People have been blasting the mom of the toddler accusing her of neglect and endangerment by not paying close enough attention to the child. Animal activist have been having a field day asking why the animal could not have been euthanized as opposed to being killed. From the parental standpoint a toddler can be quite busy. Outdoor activities like, parks ,zoos and carnivals are probably the worst for keeping an eye out for energy filled little ones. According to this story mom had other children younger than the boy with her that were also demanding her attention. If that is in fact the case. I can definitely see how she was distracted for a second. (BUT NOT TO THE POINT WHERE YOUR CHILD JUST DIVES OVER THE RAILS) nope... C'mon. So now we have a huge dilemma.. Baby boy has just invaded Mr. Gorillas home.. And cries, sirens and screams ring out through the Cincinnati zoo. Everyone is in a state of panic. And so they should. At any given moment this very dangerous 400 pound gorilla could rip this poor baby from limb to limb. Not because he's mean or hateful or angry. But just because he's an animal. Hence the cage and bobbed wires he's kept in. No doubt, Harambe was an endangered species and there are very few of his kind left in the world. But to hear people try and out weigh the life of an innocent child versus an animal made me mortified. To think that anyone would or could for a second think that a innocent human life should not trump that of an animal is insanity. Sometimes in life you pass things off as accidental or coincidental and leave it to the world to evaluate and judge. But as I continued to hear the input of society on this matter. It all became really obvious. And I had to ask the question. If this child had been white, would America be as harsh about the decision to kill this animal? I dare not go in depth on my personal views or answer this question myself. Just know and remember. Trayvon Martin was shot down in the streets and knocked out of his shoes by a man "claiming" to simply be afraid of him. This animal was holding and dragging this toddler through the water by his legs. And the reaction of officials who made the decision to kill him are being questioned and ridiculed.. Sounds to me like it's becoming clearer and clearer that ONLY SOME LIVES MATTER!!! Not my opinion, just my observation.
Until Next time.. Stay Blessed and Beautiful my loves... # Smooches

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