Just KKJ

Just KKJ
She Believed She Could ,So She Did

Monday, May 2, 2016

But He's My Baby

Being the mom of a teenage boy is hard work. My son is now 15. Soon to be 16 and I am truly in a dither. I have got to come to the realization that the question is Coming. " Mom can I go out with Shannon, Brittney or Jasmine"? I ain't ready, can't nobody make me ready. I'm just gonna have to jump in head first and see what happens. Kinda like labor. What you gonna do when it starts, but see it through, Right? Oh Lord Jesus. A few weeks ago he asked what a suitable age would be for him to start going out on dates. I replied in my motherly , Boy leave me alone haste, "16". Only to think later on that day sheesh. That is soon. Like really soon. He'll be 16 in August, That's 1,2,3 months away. And I can't deal. The list above are all of my requirements. They ain't changing fo nobody.. (SMIRK) He's a sweet, angel boy. And I don't want none of these fast tail girls teaching him nothing. (lol).
On a more serious note. I do believe that 16 is an appropriate age for teens to start dating. However, I also believe that we as parents should definitely stress purity to our children and stress to them that they don't have to make the same mistakes that we made in love and life. Now I know a lot of people are now married and so forth. But, We have all done somethings that we probably wished that we could take back ( Not me, yall, sideeye) . It's important to let our children know that God has created them a help mate. Someone created, designed and made specifically for them and its OK to wait and find that special person. It may not be instantly but they'll come. While it's super fun to be social at that age when your learning about yourselves. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could spare our Kings and Queens from the sorrow and tears of broken hearts and bad relationships. Well we can.  As hard and as out of touch with this day and time as it may seem. They can do it. We just have to let them know that its possible, and in this day in time necessary. I mean the wrong relationships used to just cost you tears. Now it's costing our babies there lives. I speak Prosperity, Peace and Righteousness over our children. Romans 13:14 Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.
Yesssss Yall. It's for our babies!!!!!
Stay Blessed and Beautiful my loves... #Smooches

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