Just KKJ

Just KKJ
She Believed She Could ,So She Did

Friday, May 20, 2016

Don't Be Bashful

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I hope everyone's week has been great...
I'm a Christian.. Completely and utterly soled out for God. I pray, fast and intercede when needed. I also do all of the other noble Christian duties, give, tithe and help those in need. Recently I have had the opportunity to spend some time with a few of my Muslim brothers and sisters. Now I'm no expert on the Muslim faith and I cannot elaborate on their teachings. However, What I have noticed is there undeniable thirst for a connection with there Messiah. I was intrigued to find that they pray 5 times a day and are extremely adamant about it. One young lady that I encountered needed to pray at 12:00 p.m. We were in mid conversation and she jumped up and asked me if I knew of a quiet place that she could do so. I was befuddled and caught off guard. Needless to say she went and did her prayer thing and I went on with my day. But, in the back of my mind I admired her zeal and zest for relationship with her creator. I found myself wondering if I dedicated and spent enough time in prayer. Would my life be different? I pray and meditate over the word in my a.m. regime. And at night I use my quiet time alone to connect with my Father. But, if I were in the middle of something important. Would I stop what I was doing to exalt my Lord, or would I be ashamed? Now, you know how you may be on your morning or evening commute and your favorite gospel song comes on. ( For me Marvin Sapps Testimony and Smokey Norfuls Dear God). Will put me into an instant place of worship. I can feel my body calm and my eyes fill with tears. And occasionally I'll slowly lift my hands in praise. But never too far up so that people will notice. Why? Because I don't want them to think I'm some sort of crazy person. That's me having pride. And we all know what pride Does. I know that the beliefs and the faiths are completely different between Muslims and Christians. But I was convicted on that day. To not be ashamed to exalt and honor MY GOD. To worship him in spirit and in truth. No matter where I might be. To allow the Holy Spirit to lead and Guide me throughout my day. It was truly a lesson learned. And while I do not understand the methods and may not agree with the rituals of Islam. I have learned to respect the Faithfulness and Unashamed love and Fervor that they show when it comes to Relationship and Connection with there God.
Stay Blessed and Beautiful my loves...#Smooches

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