Just KKJ

Just KKJ
She Believed She Could ,So She Did

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Still Friends??????

Image result for male and female best friend memes

Happy Tuesday.. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!!
One of my bestest friends is of the male species. We've been besties since elementary school.
We can literally talk about anything. From, Love, Sex and Farts.. Honestly I prefer getting his opinion on certain matters. I feel like men have a less emotional approach to life. And it helps with very emotional people like myself. I have had to call him a time or two while literally standing on the ledge and he's had to talk me off. Now, I do think that I need to point out this this friend and I have NEVER had any sort of romantic relationship. Never even considered it. This is where things get a little tricky.. Can a male and female that have been romantic in the past JUST BE FRIENDS? In my opinion ( And everyone has one). NOPE.. Once romantic relationships are introduced to a situation things get CARAZY!! If I have previously seen you naked and we've done the do.. I will always look at you a certain way. Not even sexual but we definitely won't be bro and sis. For sure... I don't mind my significant other having female friends, BUT.. And that's a huge BUT. If you are now calling your ex a friend. I'm not going to be the most comfortable with that. I'm the kind of person that likes to hold on to people that were once special to me. That's just how I am.. But I also know that not all of my previous loves will withstand the STILL FRIENDS test. And I'm absolutely OK with that. 

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