Just KKJ

Just KKJ
She Believed She Could ,So She Did

Monday, July 18, 2016


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In the age of everything electronic. It should come to us as no surprise that Online dating has become a sure fire hit for singles. After all its easy, you don't have to meet unless you absolutely want to and to be quite honest it can be darn amusing. My friends actually talked and coerced me  into trying it out. And, I honestly wanted to see what all of the fuss was really about. A mutual friend of mine had seemingly had some successful interactions with a few suitors and she gave it a thumbs up. My experiences were NOTHING like hers. I managed to exchange info with a guy who seemed fairly normal. He to had a son whom he shared photos of with me. He was rather attractive and could hold a pretty decent conversation with minimal Ebonics.. I kind of enjoyed his conversations until one day he stopped calling. He had explained to me that he and his sons mom were not together, he was a full time dad and she lived out of town.. Wellll, I will not say that I actually believed his story, I'm a skeptic, so I would second guess my own birthday and name if I didn't see the birth certificate for myself. ( seriously).. Although I didn't really put much thought or trust into anything the man said as we had never met. Literally we would chat and text, this went on for a solid 3 weeks. One Sunday afternoon as I was at home minding my business. I get a weird text message from his number asking who I was and how I knew him.. See most women would have already been sold on this idiot, but me.. ( UMMM NO).
I explained to Ms. Wifey that she should take all of this up with her HUSBAND and not me.. My exact words to her were something along the lines of " Sweety I'm not the woman that you should be worried about.. But you should be worried" Me and my sister laughed hysterically at the incident that night for hours. After I had laughed all I could, I started to feel really bad for this woman. How long had her husband been online lying, cheating and being a predator to unsuspecting women who were really just looking for genuine companionship. While his poor wife was blind sided and loving someone that was living a lie everyday of there relationship. While I have personally had my fill of online dating. I do believe that God is in control of love and who and where we meet the loves of our lives. So, my choice should not deter anyone else from searching the web for love. But what I will say is be careful. Be cautious. And remember that online predators are real.. My online tryst ended in a sore belly from profuse laughter but a lot of the men online are looking to take advantage, harass, manipulate and humiliate women all for the sake of jokes. If its your thing, I get it.. I tried it to.. While it was a pretty sad experience for me. For you it may be a success. Just remember to keep your third eye open and proceed with caution..
Until next time Stay Blessed and Beautiful my loves..  #Smooched

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