Just KKJ

Just KKJ
She Believed She Could ,So She Did

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Image result for black woman walking away

Urban dictionary classifies " THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY AS"- The person that you could've and should've ended up with but didn't, usually because of a series of poor choices on your end. Mostly we lose the loves of our lives by, being emotionally unavailable, a player, or just being down right stupid and not taking the time to notice what you actually have in front of you. You know that old cliche "The grass is always greener on the other side". Well, I've got news for you. All grass has a tendency to wither away and die if not watered and cared for properly. I'm not quite sure if you guys believe in astrology at all. And for those super Christians who think that stars, and birth times and places don't mater. Remember Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. What is the heavens made up of, (Now your following me- Stars, right?). So trust me when I say it matters. Born Under the sign Scorpio, I have a naturally guarded personality. I don't allow many people into my world. I am very intense and will love without conditions under the right circumstances. In my 22 years of dating I've been burned a time or two by giving my all to a situation that didn't necessarily turn out to be the most productive. As like many of us, I would sit and wonder for days, weeks, sheesh months about what I could have done differently. The one thing that I have never had to do is question whether I had given my best or all to a relationship of any kind. Whether it be professional or romantic. I have always been the sort of girl that if I sign up for a task, I'm going to give it my all. Until, I have reason to believe my all is not being respected and honored. Our generation has stopped giving there all on any sort of level. Everyone wants the latest, greatest illusion of grandeur. Relationships are fast moving and fleeting now days. Calling them superficial would probably be an understatement. Everything seems great in the moment when its new. No rush, no fuss. Until your sitting there 3 months down the road and your upgrade is a total flop. You finally got the chance to see her without her weave and shes bald headed. You took a trip to the clinic about that chronic burning sensation that you've been feeling when you piss and it requires a shot in the butt. Her so called fancy house is paid for by the state, costs her all of $15 a month, shes 6 months behind and she's asking you to pay it. Her snotty nose 3 year old has recently started calling you daddy. And oh yeah her ex is on the way home from jail. So you bout to be sharing her with him and every other cell mate that has bent him over for the last 3 years... If you have someone that cares about you, wants nothing but your time, attention and affection. Has a productive career and her real hair comes past her ears. You better hold on to her. Cause your upgrade will be looking more like a knock off in a minute.
Until Next time Stay Blessed and Beautiful my loves... # Smooches.

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